Lace is the ultimate glamour for a Wattlesburg hen. It is an immediate, decipherable statement of one’s place in high society. Lavish, beautifully grown black lace feathers adorn the hens of Bobbins and Needles Lace Makers shop. A strategic foraging plan is carefully designed daily by Mr. Tarsus Sussex. His goal: to achieve optimal feather growth. “Protein! Protein! Protein!” Mr. Tarsus reiterates every morning. He knows how tasty Lady Gwendolyn’s garden can be! Strawberries in season are so very tempting. Perhaps a visit to the conpecktionary is in order? Who can resist those meal worm treats!?
Sussex hens weigh 7-8 lbs. Roosters weigh 10-11 lbs.
They lay a tan egg.
hatching eggs are sold online with a minimum of 10 hatching eggs per order.
Day old 🐥 chick orders need to be called in.
Chicks are $20.00 each with a minimum of 12 for warmth
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