Blue Red Laced Wyandotte’s (United States)

Sale price$15.00


Lace, the ultimate glamour for a Wattlesburg hen. An immediate decipherable statement about one’s place in high society. Lavish beautifully grown lace feathers adorn the hens of Bobbins and Needles lace Makers shop. A strategic foraging plan is carefully designed daily by Mr. Tarsus Wynadotte. His goal, to achieve optimal feather growth. “Protein! Protein! Protein!” Mr. Tarsus reiterates every morning. He knows how tasty Lady Gwendolyn’s garden can be! Strawberries in season are so very tempting. Perhaps, a visit to the conpecktionary is in order. Who can resist those meal worm treats! 

Wyandotte hens weigh 6-7 lbs. Roosters weigh 8-9 lbs.

They lay a medium tan egg

We sell day old chicks

A minimum of 12 chicks per order is necessary and provides the warmth needed for shipping. The chicks of any breed (except silkies) may be chosen from to fill your box.







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