Malines (Belgium)

Sale price$25.00


These eager College students pay very close attention to all that their professor has to say. Allegra Jane especially enjoys foraging in lady Gwendolyn’s garden. Watercress is her particular favorite! Although, she holds pumpkins in high regard. Professor Frederick is ever so proud of his students. He keeps a watchful eye over them. One does not want to be caught off guard. The notorious one feather and her faithful pirating gang of ducks are ever present! It was only a fortnight ago that Maran Mercantile was burglarized. A trail of corn and webbed foot prints were left behind. Quite the suspicious activity!

hens 8-9 lbs. roosters up to 12 lbs.



 We sell day old chicks

A minimum of 12 chicks per order is necessary and provides the warmth needed for shipping. The chicks of any breed (except silkies) may be chosen from to fill your box.

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