Ree’s Cream Legbar Hen (England)

Type: Day Old Chicks
Sale price$25.00


Our feathered settlers recently welcomed Jill Ree’s cream legbars. An advertisement had been placed in the township’s local paper. The Blue Egg Tavern was in need of an innkeeper. Once Sir Matthew Crowley heard about this opportunity, he made haste in answering the advertisement. His salary of organic grains, herb and vegetable gardens was quite appealing. However, it was the rich pastureland with an obliging mulberry tree that settled the matter completely. 
Sir Crowley and his rather large family took residence of the blue egg tavern. The doors were open for business very soon thereafter. I believe it was a beautiful sunny June morning. Their tavern offerings are large quantities of remarkably colored sky blue eggs and a strong encouragement to drink their ale, Oregano oil with a splash of cinnamon. 

Originating in England, their ancestry is quite lengthy. I am told at least 100 years. They are autosexing, making their gender easily identifiable at hatch. Hens weigh about 5.5 lbs. they lay a beautiful blue egg my a slight hint of teal.

The township citizens, being reasonablely good natured and always willing to lend a wing, are more than happy to help with colonizing your own township.

we sell day old chicks

A minimum of 12 chicks per order is necessary and provides the warmth needed for shipping. The chicks of any breed (except silkies) may be chosen from to fill your box.

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